
Hello and welcome to the Balrothery FC website, the home of the Knights! We hope you find the information you’re looking for but if you don’t, then you can also find us on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Balrotheryfootballclub/

Balrothery FC is like most clubs, we are very much community centred and we are proud to represent the village of Balrothery, both on and off the field of play.

We would also like to take a moment to thank our generous sponsors, as without their help we would not be able to provide the superb facilities that we make available to our junior teams.

C’mon the knights!

Thanks and Regards,
Larry Fay
Chairman, Balrothery FC

Latest News

Balrothery Football Club
Balrothery Football ClubMonday, July 22nd, 2024 at 4:04pm
Game On!

It's North County Dublin's very own version of Clare V Cork.

The winner of this gripping mini league will lift the trophy this Wednesday in Glebe Park in the decider.

Come along to cheer on your favourites at 7:30pm!

#soccer #balrothery #teamwork #notthehurlingfinal
Balrothery Football Club
Balrothery Football ClubThursday, July 18th, 2024 at 9:00pm
Thanks to everyone who came to Glebe Park yesterday evening, whether it was to play or to support.

We had a great evening of fun and teaming!

Watch this space for info on the decider!

#notoveryet #soccer #Balrothery
Balrothery Football Club
Balrothery Football ClubWednesday, July 17th, 2024 at 4:34pm
We look forward to supporting both sides this evening!

#Balrothery #soccer #communityevent
Balrothery Football Club
Balrothery Football ClubTuesday, July 16th, 2024 at 11:49am
We have some really great news to share today - our Senior Team is back!

Under the guidance of Paul Doherty we are delighted to have a senior section once again. We are now seeking expressions of interest from new players who might be interested in playing with the team.

We'll be holding an Open Training Session this Saturday at 10am in Glebe Park and all are welcome. You can also reach out to us here or by email to [email protected] if you have any questions.
Balrothery Football Club
Balrothery Football ClubMonday, July 15th, 2024 at 9:25am
We have one of the two most important results of the Summer already in with Spain securing the title in Germany on Sunday evening.

The question remains though; who will lift the trophy here in Balrothery Football Club when Coach 'Lar Shankley Fays' Spanish Superstars take on Coach 'Kevin Houllier Tolans' Balrothery All Stars.

Bound to be nail biting stuff - all support is welcome - Glebe Park, Wednesday 17th, KO 7:30pm 😀
Balrothery Football Club
Balrothery Football ClubSunday, June 30th, 2024 at 7:44pm
Are you glued to the Euros?

Why not take a break from the TV and join us in person on Wednesday evening in Glebe Park where our Balrothery FC All Stars team will go head to head with the Spanish Students currently staying in our community.

A friendly game but one not to be missed!

Glebe Park, 7pm.

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